Uugghh....I think I got a total of 3 hours of sleep last night, and now I'm getting ready to go get the MRI on my knee. I'll be glad to find out what's going on with it. I'm praying that it doesn't end up being something that requires surgery.[yawns] Anyway, I've got a ton of reviews to try to get up today, plus stuff to post about from over the weekend. I'll try to get on it once I get back later this morning. ...
Crazy Weekend Blog Hop #20
Welcome to week #20 of the blog hop. We skipped last week. Sorry about that. There has just been way too much going on around here lately. I'm going to run the linky through Monday this time.Also, I'm using a new linky service due to having issues with the old one. If anyone is interested in co-hosting, leave a comment letting me know which week you would like and we'll set up a weekend. ...
This week has been way too long…
I have decided that I am way to young to be falling apart at the seams the way I have been, and I demand that Mother Nature, God, Fate and/or whoever has a hand in it to make it stop! I spent all day Monday at the Urgent Care Clinic, trying to find out what is wrong with my knee. The pain and swelling hasn't gone away, even now, and it's nearly impossible to sleep since I can't lay it out flat. After waiting nearly two hours, the doctor sent me across the highway to get a sonogram on my leg to make sure that I didn't have a blood clot. That came back clear, so I was then told that I would have to have a MRI. They need to take a look at the ligaments because there is a strong possibility that one of them is torn. So, I've been sitting here all week since then waiting for whichever place they are sending me to call. I should have just gone to my regular doctor and been done with it. As it stands know, I can barely walk around, let alone chase after Hannah, with the brace on. ...
Coupon – Promo Codes for Treat
Have you heard about the new personalized greeting card company, Treat? Treat is a new brand from the folks at Shutterfly and Tiny Prints that lets you create unique, personalized greeting cards. With more than 4,500 customized card designs at launch, the Treat service offers one of the industry’s largest selections from the best designers, including Hallmark. To ensure that you never miss an important date like a birthday or anniversary, Treat also offers an integrated service that will remind you of all those important events. A Treat calendar can be set up with reminders for anniversaries, events, family holidays and more. Plus, users can use Facebook Connect to link their Facebook and Treat accounts to import friends’ birthdays. Treat is an easy and revolutionary new way to make personalized greetings in your own style and personality just in time for Mother's Day! Here is how it works: Choose your card from their thousands of designs, including the Mother’s Day Collection. ...
Bright Starts Ultimate Baby Shower Event: Accepting Signups Now — Free Blog Event
Bright Starts, Mom to Bed by 8 and Iowa-Mom is excited to present the Baby Shower Event from May 7th to May 28th. This is a free blogger event and accepting signups now.Join the Bright Starts Ultimate Baby Shower Giveaway event today, grow your readership and offer one amazing baby shower gifts giveaway! ...
ZeroWater Review & Giveaway [ENDED]
Last week, I was sent a 10 cup ZeroWater Pitcher. ZeroWater pitchers come with a 5-Stage Dual Ion-Exchange filter that removes almost all solids from your water. This gives it a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) reading of 000, making it the purest water you will find. I have wanted to try one of these for a long time. The water in our town used to taste pretty good until works broke a water main pipe a few years back. Since then, it has been virtually undrinkable. We still cook with it, but we drink bottled water. According to the ZeroWater website, the average TDS reading in our area is 233. It’s not bad, but it’s not good either. When I received my pitcher, the first thing I did was use the included TDS reader to test my tap water. I put some in a glass and got 129. That’s better than what the site said, but still icky. Next, I tested my bottled Ozarka water. I figured that it would be maybe a three or a four max, since it’s supposed to be filtered and ‘natural ...