My sister-in-law started back to school last week at Furlough Middle School to a lot of changes. There seems to have been a staff overhaul with many new teachers and new principles. The students are now divided onto teams to compete against each other...and she's still not too sure why yet. I'm going to assume it over grades. Another big change is how they are doing their lunch break. Everyone has to sit down at numbered table; no more than six to a table. Numbers are then called at random so students can get in line for food. If you end up being one of the last tables, good luck having enough time to eat.I would also like to note that it's now the second week of school and none of the students have their textbooks yet. They also have yet to have any homework, since they don't have any books. You would think that since the teachers have been back to work since the start of last month, whatever issue they are having with the books should be non-existent. Here is when the ...
oh brother….
Well, so much for trying to get stuff done last weekend! I forgot that my Writer's Club meeting was going to be here at my house on Sunday, so I got too caught up in the usual insanity flurry of cleaning to get anything else done. Plus, I had physical therapy on Monday & Jason had to work. So I had to get Hannah all packed up to spend Sunday night through Tuesday afternoon at my parents since I wouldn't be able to drop her off on the way. Trana picked me up on Monday and took me to therapy. After we were done that, we at lunch at the Cotton Patch, then went over to JC Penny to check out the clearence sales. We were both happy since we found some clothes. I also found a cute Dora shirt for Hannah, and Trana bought her a very cute two piece outfit to give to her for Christmas.The rest of the week has been crazy, and, aside from the Dew Crew post, I've gotten nothing done. Well, I was working on book covers....but that doesn't count towards here. Sooooooo....bleh....I'm going to ...
Join the Dew Crew!
I was just invited to join the Dew Crew, a select group of Mountain Dew Insiders. You get exclusive content to share with your readers, plus you get paid when you post. If your interested in signing up, check out the link below. and/or other value provided by our partner, Mountain Dew. ...
Crazy Weekend Blog Hop #24
Yay...I actully rememberd to post it this week! ...
Google AdSense Continues to Disappoint
Back at the begining of the year, I posed about the ongoing issue with AdSense not giving me my earnings. I've waited for months for any type of reply from someone from Google. I even posted on the help forums since that seems to be the only way to get in contact with anyone. The most irritating part at the time was that all of the estimated earnings from December 2011 dissapeared when it finaly finalized in March.Today, I happened to pop in to take a look to see if I had anything off of my feeds. I do this about every two months or so, and I usually only have a few cents. I noticed that they have changed some stuff around and happened upon the Preformance Reports. On a whim, I checked on December and look at what I found:Estimated Earnings from December 2011Finalized Earnings from December 2011 -- Didn't Finalize Until MarchNow that I have my proof, I sent a feedback message to AdSense:"Okay, I've been puzzled about this for months and I have yet to get an answer from anyone. ...
Win $500 from Knot Genie
With the introduction of four new Knot Genie colors in our limited edition Back to School Collection, we’re also running a fun contest. The contest is called, the Knot Genie Back to School Morning Meltdown contest. If you’re a parent, you’ve probably experienced a foot stomping-shrieking-morning meltdown at that critical time when you’re trying to get your child off to school. Recount (if it’s not to painful) your worst meltdown and how you diffused the situation and enter your story in our contest. Ask your friends and family to vote for your entry and you could win $500.00. The first 50 people to enter will get great prizes just for participating. To enter, fill out the entry form on their Facebook page: This post is sponsored by, and I will receive a Knott Grnie for my post. ...