Come experience one of the world's premier caverns, Natural Bridge Caverns. Guided tours of huge subterranean rooms and passages are available daily. The 75-minute Discovery Tour travels 180 ft below the surface and through a half-mile of the largest and most spectacular show cavern in Texas. Other attractions include the Natural Bridge Mining Company, where you can pan for gems and minerals like miners panned for gold. The NEW Canopy Challenge is a 4 level explorer course and zip-lines. It also includes Canopy Kids, which is great for younger children. Located between San Antonio and New Braunfels, off I-35, exit 175. For operating hours and additional information, please call us or visit our website. $2 off Adult & $1 off Child Discovery Tour Admission to Natural Bridge Caverns is a sponsored post. I will reveice tickets to the above mantioned place for free from USFamilyGuide. ...
About an hour to go before heading out…
I'm heading out in about an hour to go for my knee surgery. It's an outpatient procedure so I should be home later this afternoon/evening. I doubt that I'll be posting anything for a few days...but who knows. I don't really know what to expect with the surgery so I guess I'll have to wait and see.When I do get back to posting, I'll have a few more product reviews to get up. I ment to get them up yesterday but I ran out of time. ...
Product Review – UNREAL Candy
A few weeks back, I was sent some coupons so that I could try out UNREAL Candy. UNEAL is candy that has been ‘un-junked’. There is no corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oil, GMOs, preservatives, and it has a low glycemic index. Plus, each candy only has 16 grams of sugar per serving. Now, as with all healthy food, I was expecting it all the taste like crap and be really expensive. I also had to Walgreens to get some since there aren’t a lot of stores that carry it yet. Our local Walgreens only carried it on the large bags and I don’t think that the freebie coupons covered it. But the store was closing in less than three minutes and the kid at the counter gave it to me…plus gave me a free bag just to get me out of there (I need to shop there more often). Anyway, I picked up two bags of the peanut butter cups and one bag of the regular M&Ms. I tried the peanut butter cups first once we got home, and they just about knocked my socks off! They were so good! Even my husband ...
Product Review – Dr. Max Powers Scar Serum
Last week, I was sent a bottle of Dr. Max Powers Scar Serum. Dr. Max Powers’ products provide vitamins & supplements that your body needs when doing heavy workouts. I previously reviewed another of their products, the stretch mark cream, so I know that their stuff works pretty well. The scar serum works on both new and old scars. For new scars, you apply it twice a day for 8 weeks. On old scars, you apply it three times a day for 3-6 months. The only noticeable old scar that I have is on my arm from a surgery years ago. I’ve used it as directed for the past week or so, and have noticed a slight difference in its appearance. The edges seem a bit lighter and blend into the surrounding skin more than what they did. Give the length of time that you need to use the product, I’m not really able to give a really good review of it as of yet. So far, everything looks very promising in the old scar on my arm, but I want to test it on a new scar. Since I will be having knee ...
More Feed Issues
For some reason, my feeds with FEEDCAT are not updating. I have no idea what is wrong and I haven't heard anything back from Feedcat yet. Is there anyone who can help me out?EDIT:'s all fixed. ...
Creative Bioscience Diet 1234 Review & Giveaway [ENDED]
For the past three months, I’ve been participating in the Creative Bioscience 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge. Creative Bioscience has been innovation the weight loss industry for quite a while now. They have a large number of products available right now that work a variety of different ways. The product that I was taking was the Diet1234. It boosts energy and suppresses the appetite, and you don’t have to count carbs or be on any type of food diet. I’ve been trying to get rid of weight and fluid since I had Hannah and up until the point that I started the challenge, I hadn’t had a whole lot of luck. Stuff would work for a short time & the fluid would come back quickly after I was finished taking it. Plus, you have to be working out a lot, and with my knee being mess up it was next to impossible to do anything. Once I started taking Diet 1234, I noticed results fairly quickly. You only have to take two pills in the morning for breakfast and then you are good for the rest ...