If you’ve been meaning to get away and visit a friend or see family members but you’ve recently had a baby, it’s understandable if traveling seems a bit daunting. You’re still new to being a new mom (if this is your first) and what’s more, you will also need to figure out details like whether to book one or two tickets, depending on your baby’s weight. Plan ahead, figure out which flight to take, and make careful and thought-out travel plans that will work best for you and your baby. That way traveling will be a much easier and pleasurable experience for both you and the baby. Bulkhead Seating Should be the Goal FAA states that babies who are less than 40 pounds should have their own car seats while flying on a jet, but this is not required. Most moms are seen holding their babies on the airplane, which also works great but the way you go about seating is really up to you. If you do plan on holding your baby during the flight, let the flight agent know ahead of time. That way ...
COOLA Organic Skincare Giveaway [ENDED]
COOLA Organic Skincare GiveawayAt some point, everyone wants to improve the look of their skin. There is so much out on the market these days, that it's had to know just what to get. One product worth checking out is COOLA.Welcome to the COOLA Organic Skincare Giveaway. Two winners will each receive the COOLA ER+ Line a Retail Value of $146! You can read The Review Wire's full review on COOLA: Environmental Repair Plus Line. The Clam Glow Eye Gel soothes delicate skin with a protective barrier that reduces redness and inflammation while shielding skin from damaging irritants. The Fresh Relief Face Serum is a lightweight serum is your stealthy defense against aging. And the Clear Recovery Foam Wash is a protective foaming face wash that will cool and tone skin, reduce inflammation and minimize the appearance of age spots. Have a fresh face this summer! Giveaway2 Winner's will each receive the COOLA ER+ Line that includes: Clear Recovery Foam Wash ($24), Fresh Relief Face Serum ...
Sorry for the lack of updates
Sorry for the lack of activity around here for the past few days. My sinuses blew up after I got back from my overnight trip in Mineola and I've been mostly curled up on the couch. I'm a little better today but it's not clearing up. Since this seems to happen every three months, regardless of the time of year, I am going to see if my doctor can get me a prescription for something stronger since Clarintin & other OTC meds are not working. Anyway, I've got a few reviews to post today (once I finish them) and I'm going to try to get through some more review/post labels so that I can get the menu bar in order. ...
The LYSOL Healthing Initiative
With all the news about super flu bugs, colds & flu epidemics, it’s now more important than ever to make sure that you are doing everything you can to keep surfaces clean and family members healthy. My husband and I are both allergic to various forms of antibiotics. For the most part, my husband is only allergic to penicillin. If he is given even a small amount, he goes into anaphylactic shock almost instantly. I am allergic to everything from penicillin to vancomycin…even a few of the childhood shots (the schools weren’t particularly happy with that one). My reactions vary from high fever to full body hives/rash & swelling, & I have to be immediately hospitalized if I get sick enough that I need something. Luckily, our daughter has been spared this so far & hasn’t had any reactions to what she has been given, but we don’t want to chance it.In order to help ensure that no one gets sick, we do many things to keep germs at bay. I make sure to keep surfaces clean. My husband also ...
Fun Facts about Easter
Here's some fun facts about Easter. [IMAGE REMOVED] This is a sponsored post. ...
Busy Week Ahead
I've got a lot going on this week. I've mostly gotten caught up on my reviews for the time being. There's just one more to go, which I'll do tomorrow. I'm slowly working on going through all the labels and consolidating everything down for easier searching. I've added a few more sections under Product Reviews on the drop-down menu. Hopefully I can get it all done soon.On the commissions front for my design business: I've got a new book cover to start work on, as well as finish up a web site design for ISeeGhosts.com. I'm also working on getting a blog going for Supernatural Researchers of Texas (SRT), which I will be posting to regularly. I've already designed a logo, business cards and car door magnets for them. I will be adapting the logo for a members only t-shirt. The company I'm getting the shirt made at will be reviewed here on the blog once I get it done.I'll be out for most of the afternoon tomorrow on a walk through as part of an upcoming investigation for SRT. I ...