I've got a lot going on this week. I've mostly gotten caught up on my reviews for the time being. There's just one more to go, which I'll do tomorrow. I'm slowly working on going through all the labels and consolidating everything down for easier searching. I've added a few more sections under Product Reviews on the drop-down menu. Hopefully I can get it all done soon.On the commissions front for my design business: I've got a new book cover to start work on, as well as finish up a web site design for ISeeGhosts.com. I'm also working on getting a blog going for Supernatural Researchers of Texas (SRT), which I will be posting to regularly. I've already designed a logo, business cards and car door magnets for them. I will be adapting the logo for a members only t-shirt. The company I'm getting the shirt made at will be reviewed here on the blog once I get it done.I'll be out for most of the afternoon tomorrow on a walk through as part of an upcoming investigation for SRT. I ...
family life
Behind again….
I'm very sorry about the lack of activity around here. We've had a lot going on lately and it's been hard for me to find time to sit down and get anything done. I've got several reviews that I need to finish typing up as well as another giveaway to post. I've also been working on a few posts about various stuff going on. Hopefully I can get a bit caught up this week and get back on track. ...
Quick Update
Things are going to be a little slow around here for a few days at least. I'm sick with either a cold, flu or severe sinus infection. I'm going to the doctor a little later today to get looked at, so hopfully I'll be better by the end of the weekend.Also, I'm totally backed up on on reviews...and I've been getting several new offers a day this week. There are two that I need to get done this weekend, so I'll probably be using the laptop from bed to get them up. ...
Nice, lazy birthday & a great Christmas
Well, we are all in various stages of sickness around here, so I spent most of my 29th birthday in bed today. Jason and I both have sinus infections and Hannah has a cold/ear infection combo. We spent all of yesterday evening at the Urgent Care Clinic after Hannah's doctors' office took all afternoon to call us back only to tell us that they coundn't fit her in. I hate that they gave her ear drops because it's way to hard to get her to sit still long enought to get them in. She started screaming bloody murder earlier.Jason got me some shrimp tempura udon, from the fancy new Japanese resturant that opened in town, for dinner & picked up a big cheese cake. I've also spent that last few days playing with the complete set of Doctor Who Sonic Screwdrives that he got me for Christmas. Yes, they are kids toys.....but I love them. My dad flipped out when he saw them. Jason also got me a glass plate thingy that has early concetp artwork from the Thor movie. When you hold it up to the ...
OMG…I won a laptop!!
Christmas jsut came early! I won the ChipChick Acer Aspire S7 Ultrabook giveaway: http://www.chipchick.com/2012/11/ultrabook-holiday-giveaway.html. I can't beleive it! I don't think I've ever won anything that big before. I can't wait to get it. Now I'll be able to convert my destop to mainly a work computer & use the laptop out in the living room for fun stuff....like playing Team Fortress 2. ...
Another Update
I've been at parents the past two days since Jason had to go back to work. I don't have access to a computer & all I have is my cell phone...so updates are going to be slow for a while. I may go home for the weekend if Jason is off.The doctor said that everything looks good & that I can start thearpy again, which will more than likely start back up next week. My friend Amanda was able to find me a walker so I'm moving around much better now. Hopefully in another week or so I'll be able to be at home by myself. ...