The past week has been so screwed up. Between Hannah's teething stuff, Jason constantly getting called in on his days off, and me not feeling well, I havent been able to get anything done. And I'm totally behind on my workouts. ...blah... ...
family life
teething round #2
Hannah's running a fever again due to her second tooth coming in. She was up all night...but she did sleep about two hours this morning. I'm still trying to get her to take a nap so that the Tylenol will kick in. ...
Hannah’s first tooth!!
Hannah has been teething for quite a while now. The last two days she's been running a low grade fever off and on. It did jump up to 101.5 at one point, which scared me, but it quickly went down again. we've been able to see the top of one tooth for about a day now. It broke through a few hours ago. I didn't know it till she stuck my finger in her mouth and bit me. It feels like a shark tooth in there!There's another one coming it next to I'm expecting it to come in the the next few days. ...
oh crap….'s Fathers Day and I haven't even been able to get cards yet for Jason!!! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! I'll have to see if mom can come over and watch Hannah for a bit. ...
messed up few days
One of the bad things about Jason being off from work is that my schedule gets screwed up. We've done nothing but run around places the last three days. Thursday I had a check-up with my ob/gyn and then we spent a good two hours in WalMart getting groceries. We dropped Hannah off at my mom's while I got my hair cut on Friday, then went out to Jason's grandparent's house for a party. Hannah did okay, but she got fussy and wouldn't go to sleep. Yesterday we went shopping at Tanger for a few hours, and found a bathing suit for Hannah. We also found a whole bunch of tank-tops for her at the Gymboree Outlet that just opened. Hannah had a blast looking at everything while Jason carried her around. So, today I have to get back on my workout schedule. I'm going to do the cardio circuit & cardio recovery today, then do cardio power/resistance & pure cardio & cardio abs tomorrow to get caught back up. ...
crawling status
Well, she's getting closer to crawling. She's still in squeal/screech mode and has been happily bouncing off the walls today. At least I got her to take a nap for a bit. ...