Since she has mastered crawling, Hannah is now trying to stand up. She's done a few times in the last two days, but she still hasn't quite figured it out yet. I've lowered the crib almost as far as it will go because she been using the rail and side to try to haul herself up.She's also started throwing fits when she doesn't get what she wants. However, they are less frequent now that she knows that she'll be put in her crib and have her toys taken away when she acts up like that. At least she's getting out of her system now. ...
family life
Vacation came and went, and we didn't get hardly anything done. We did get the vanity table out...which, by the way, was cememted to the floor. I'm hoping to start getting the shelves in tomorrow. I'm also going to finish up the ceiling in the living room today. We won't be able to paint it until the heat wave breaks a bit, but at least you won't be able to see the water damage. I got the oven fixed, so now I can cook properly. I hope this controll panel lasts a bit longer than the last one. I'm also going to send a nasty email to Delta, complaining about not receiving any updates regarding my repair kit for the crib. What horrible customer service, especially when dealing with a recall. I'm also tempted to complain to the CPSC. ...
Vacation Time!!!
Jason finally got his first week of vacation. Yay...vacation time! This will probably be his only week this year since the store manager has waited until almost fourth quarter to give it to him. Since we can't really go anywhere, due to finances and the fact that we had about 4 days notice of impending vacation (as usual), we're going to be working on the house. We have a ton of stuff to do: clean up porch (done!!) level the living room level Hannah's room eyeball washer plumbing (maybe fix) get rest of water out from under house (oh the joys of lime) fix overhang around back of the house attach new rain gutters to back of house patch/paint ceiling in living room tear out crappy vanity table in bathroom/replace with storage shelving make new flower bed (for tree we haven't planted in 4 months) plant palm tree by shed And this is just the stuff I can think of right off hand. The bathroom shelving is my project. Jason is reluctant to let me do it ...
she’s crawling!!!
Hannah's offically started crawling last night. She chased me across the living room trying to get my slippers off my feet. I'm going to try to get some video of her doing it. I'm so excited...although now I have to make sure that everything stays up off the floor.She had her 6 month shots today, so she's not feeling too well at the moment. She also has some top teeth coming in; the front two. I have a feeling that she's going to be cranky for a few days. ...
6 months…
Yesterday Hannah turned 6 months old. It really doesn't seem like that much time has already gone by since she was born. I can see now why my mom always said it goes by quick.Hannah still isn't quite crawling yet...but she is close. She's been trying to form words the last couple of days, so I'm eager to see if she says anything. I'm going to start her on a sippy cup after her next doctors appointment, which is on the 5th. ...
shopping with grandma!!
Mom and I went out to Tanger today before the rain hit. We went in to Gymboree and got a few pairs of shorts and a hat. We then walk a good length of the mall before Hannah pooped out and went to sleep. ...