I always enjoy putting odd things in my front flower beds. I've got a mooning gnome and a squating one. I also had one of those battery powered dog that looked like it was half burried and would activate when you walked past it. I had to toss it though because it stopped working.Anyway, I was just browsing around on Amazon and saw the Travelocity Gnome for sale. I'm going to start hinting around for it so maybe Jason will order one. Our anniversary is next month after all... ...
family life
so friggin cold…
OMG it’s so cold out! It’s 19 degrees…but with wind chill it’s -3, according to AccuWeather. WHAT THE HELL?!?!? I was wearing shorts and a tank top yesterday. Brownie update: Brownie's trip to the vet was good. Turns out that she was traumatized, meaning the two shits next door did something to her. It's taken her the better part of the last week or so to get back to normal. ...
way too much going on…
The two weeks has been way too hectic. My sinuses have been bothering me and now I'm starting to get sick. The 4Runner won't pass inspection again...suprise, suprise...so now I'm stuck without a vehicle again until it passes. I'm still having trouble getting Hannah to stop hitting. Now she doesn't want anyone near Jason when he's holding her. And, now, to top it all off...something got a hold of Brownie, tore her up pretty bad, and now she's sick. It happend at some point yesterday afternoon. We tried to get a hold of Jason's aunt, the one who gave her to us and works at a vet's office, but she wants nothing to do with it. We also found out that Brownie onely had her first two sets of shots, which, if I had know that, would have taken her up sooner. Now there's no telling what she has. I'm taking her up a little later to get checked out, and Tobi is going along too to get his yearly shots. The bad part about all this is that now Jason's mom is convinced that Brownie has ...
when it rains, it pours…
The past week or so has been super crappy! Jason found out a few days ago that he has to work all day on Christmas. The freaking store isn't even open! What the hell is wrong will Wal-Mart! So now we are going to have to get up super early, at 5 a.m., to be able to open presents before he has to go in. He tried to get it so he could come in late but they won't let him. So...Hannah's fist Christmas is ruined for the most part.Christmas Eve is all screwed up too. Jason is working that day as well, so we want to have his side of the family over at our house to make it easier. Plus, I'm going to make a dinner for everyone. Jason's mom, however, isn't pleased about it since it's always at her house...but at this point I don't care. It's easier for us, especially since we have Hannah, and I don't really feel like being trapped over there for hours on end waiting for her to get her crap together so everyone can open presents. Last year, we wait almost three hours before everything ...
Hannah and the candy cane
Hannah got her first taste of a candy cane the other day while we were all out shopping at Wal-Mart (blegh...we can never escape that place). One of the 'product tester/sampler' ladies was handing them out and gave one to her. Hannah imediatly stuck it in her mouth and starting gnawing on it.I figured she wouldn't be able to get the plastic off of it, but I was wrong. She got enought off of the end that it was getting wet, and leaving trails of blue and red all over her face. Jason decided to take a little of the wrapping off so she 'could get a taste'. Hannah loved it and was enjoying it untill she started trying to chew it. I took it away from her at that point so she didn't choke on it and she threw a big fit. It took a while to get all the coloring off her face, and even then it stained around her mouth. So, she spent the rest of the shopping trip looking like a pint-sized Joker. ...
leaky faucet or Hannah?
Jason and I were getting into bed last night and we heard what sounded like the faucet running in the bathroom. I got back up to check it and realized the sound was coming from Hannah's room. Turns out that she was just sucking her thumb with her mouth half open in her sleep. LOL ...