Tobi and Brownie apprently chased a skunk around the back yard, and cornered it against the house. I'm sure you can guess what happened next. The office windows took a direct hit. It reaks in here. I'm praying that it's doesn't drift into the hall or I won't be able to sleep tonight. ...
family life
possible car sickness remedy
Hannah's car sickness has been steadily getting worse with each trip out, and today was the worst by far. I had to take her to her 15 month check-up and next round of shots. Mom rode with us since Jason had to work. I think we made it about halfway to the office before she started throwing up. She threw up everything in her stomach, then spent the rest of the ride dry heaving. There wasn't anyplace for me to pull over, so I had to continue on to the doctor's while mom tried to get her cleaned up.Once we got to the office, we got her cleaned up and changed. Normally she isn't fussy, but since she was already sick she was quite grumpy. Mom suggested we try turning her seat around, which both me and the doctor said no. She needs to stay facing the back until she's at least two. Her doctor suggested that we give her Children's Benadryl Liquid about 30 minutes or so before we leave somewhere. She said it should work, but if it doesn't then we'll have to try a prescription.I'm ...
Hannah’s new…’talent’
Hannah seems to have discovered at new that is funny yet slightly disturbing. For the last few days, she has developed what I can only describe as a 'Renfield laugh'. And not just any Renfield...but the Peter MacNicol Renfield from Dracula: Dead and Loving It. I haven't watched that since before I was pregnant, so I have no idea where she picked it up at.I figured that she would have lost interest in it by now, but now she knows that it creeps everyone out so she keeps it up. She'll sit on the floor watching something on TV, usually Yo Gabba Gabba or Little Bear, and out of no where will start doing it. She'll also do while playing with the lion mirror in her crib. She even did it at random people in the store. It should be really interesting at the doctors office tomorrow. I'm going to try to video her doing it tomorrow and put it up. Who knows, maybe she'll on Studio B. She'd be very happy, being that she loves watching Shep. ...
here comes the weather again…
It's been nice the past few days, but now we are getting back into rain. It's supposed to start tonight, and last well into next week. The weather raido said that the chances for severe weather is high, given how hot and humid it has been. So, I guess I'll make sure that everything is picked up out side. It's already pretty windy out, so I know it's only a matter of time before the storms roll in. ...
I won a giveaway!
I was contacted yesterday by Cheir from, saying that I won their giveaway. I'm getting an autograped copy of Sant and the Little Teddy Bear, a coloroing book, and two packs of greeting cards. I'm so excited...I rarely ever win anything. I know that Hannah is going to enjoy the story.After I receive everything, I'll post a review of the story. ...
Heritage Jubilee
Me, Hannah, and my mom went over the the Heritage Jubilee today. This is Hannah's first year going and mom had never been before either. We got a late start and ended up parking at the far end of the softball fields...near the soccer field. From there, it was a bit of a walk to get the main area.We wondered around the sellers tents for a while. Mom bought some wooden decorative signs, while several people stopped me to either say hi or say cute Hannah was. Hannah had a blast looking at everything. Eventually, we came across a petting zoo. We wanted to take Hannah in but it was going to be $3 per person so we didn't bother. There was a donkey tied to a sign post, so we wheeled her over to him. We looked at him and pet him a few times. Then she leaned way out of the stroller and tried to bite him. Thankfully, the donkey was nice and very patient.We took a break after that and sat down in the shade. Mom tried to get Hannah to eat while I went off in search of food and drink. ...