Today, I'm taking part of the Momory Mondays Blog Hop. This week it's hosted by Modern Mom Redifined and Karen's Healthy Lifestlye. Basicly, you write a blog post about a special memory. Well, here goes:This past Christmas was Hannah's first. We had our first round of presents on Christmas Eve with my in-laws. The second round was super early Christmas morning since Jason actully had to be in at work by 8 a.m. Stupid Wal-Mart. Our third and final round, which was when this picture was taken, was with my parents.Hannah had been eager to open presents until she discovered the teething biscuts. After that, she wasn't interested in anything else. I attemped to make a trade with her, and this was the look it got in return. We got the biscut aways from her, but once she started crying we gave it back.If your interested in joining the hop, visit the hop page. ...
family life
ehhh, now I have to clean…
Since I can no longer use the impending Rapture as an excuse to put off housework, I guess I better get to work. I've spent most of the early afternoon distracted by the Harry Potter marathon on ABC Family. I don't have too much to do, but the worst of it will be doing the kitchen floor. I hate having to do the floor. I put it off the last few days because I though my mom was going to bring over their new steam mop for me to try out. That thing would make it some much easier and faster. But allas, she didn't feel like wrestling it into the car. So, I better go make nice with the Swiffer. ...
Hannah’s feeling better
Whatever bug Hannah had is gone, and she's back to her ever hyper self. I put her down for bed a while ago and she's still bouncing arund playing. She really wanted to get into her pool today, but made do with playing with her toys...and trying to flush blocks down the toilet. ...
bouts of constipation/diarrhea with fever
Hannah had a bad bout of diarrhea Monday. I gave her some Pedialite and by the end of the day she was back to normal. Yesterday, she work up with a very low grade fever. By the middle of the afternoon, it was up to about 101.6. I ended up giving her some Tylenol when it kept inching up, and it eventually broke.She just woke up a little while ago and was gain running a fever. She's also constipated and very gassy. I gave her some more Tylenol so she would be able to sleep. If it's the same in the morning, I'm going to call her doctor to see if they want her to come in. ...
Suddenlink update
After waiting for nearly two hours the other night, we were finally able to reach someone at customer service. However, it was through the chat box on their website. The service rep tried whole bunch of stuff, and reset the box remotely about 4 times, but nothing worked. The BBC channel was still messed up. They scheduled a service call for someone to come out, which was for today. The tech was supposed to be out this morning between 8 and 12. It's almost 12 now, and I'm still waiting.The annoying part is that the channel all of a sudden started coming in again at about 9:15 this morning, which is great, but it randomly blacks out. And the audio on all the channels keeps cutting out. I already checked all the audio cables and their fine. Something is up with the box.I was really surprised to see that someone from Suddenlink replied to the first post, offering to get any issues taken care of if we are still having problems. If no one shows up today and the audio/video issues ...
Suddenlink Rant
My usual Saturday night ritual at this time of the year involves watching Doctor Who on BBC America. This weekly ritual has been interrupted due to Suddenlink suddenly turning off the channel. It was on earlier today, and when we view our account it shows up that we should have it. Yet....a lovley blue box is showing on the screen saying NOT AUTHORIZED. Jason has been on both the phone and live chat for over thirty minutes now trying to get a hold of someone in customer service to find out what is going. All the lines are busy and the chat box says some will be with him shortly. While he's dealing with that, I find myself going through withdrawls...the episode just ended and now David Tennant is on Graham Norton. If the problem gets fixed in time I can just DVR the re-air, but if it doesn't I'm totally out of luck. I'm so mad!!!! ...