It's been relatively hectic since FenCon. Plus, the weather has decided to go crazy. It's been raining almost non-stop for the last few days. We got caught out in a big downpour yesterday while trying to get to the grocery store. My mom had come over to go with us & I still say she brought the rain with her. It was clear until I pulled the 4Runner out, then it started pouring. Of course, the sunroof started leaking within a few minutes so I had to go back out and pull it back under the carport. I was competently soaked and had to change my clothes. Mom's was just as bad & had to spend part of the afternoon wet. We got soaked again trying to get into the store. Luckily, my daughter used me as a shield so she stayed relatively dry. by then, the rain was coming down so hard that we had to wait close to two hours before we attempted to venture home. The best part was the rain boots my daughter picked up. She fell in love with them & refused to take them off the ...
blog update
Couple of Quick Updates
I'm leaving in an hour or so to head off to FenCon for the weekend. I'll have my laptop with me, but email response time may be a bit slow. I should be back home early Sunday. There will be a Printcopia giveaway starting next week sometime. This one will be run directly by Printcopia & everyone who enters will get a coupon emailed to them at the end of the giveaway. I don't have all the details yet, but I will make sure to get a disclaimer from them as far as how they will be using email/contact info. ...
Quick Site Update
I've gotten all of the categories reorganized, so all of the posts should be coming up now. I'll still be going back through a combining some so that there aren't as many. Also, I've got a bunch of reviews I'm going to be putting up the next few days, and a few giveaways as well. Hopefully that will get me all caught up. ...
Quick Site Update
I'm just going t warn everyone now that there is probably going to be a bit of a review/giveaway deluge over the weekend as I get completely caught up with everything. I think there will be at least two more giveaways going up...maybe more if something comes up. I'll also be going back and trying to get the categories sorted as well. Right now there are way too many & I need everything fixed so that the menus are correct. Also, there is a change as far as sponsored posts go. Due to the newest Panda updates from Google, they are now strictly enforcing their guideline...which means that blogs & brands are being penalized for 'do follow' links in reviews. The past few weeks I've had almost a dozen requests to change links, so to error on the side of caution I have installed Nofollow for External Link. This Wordpress plugin automatically makes every outgoing link nofollow. This way it keeps everyone safe in future posts, and should fix all the old ones as well. I know ...
It looks like everything is up for the most part. I'm still feeling my way around all the WordPress stuff and trying to get everything consolidated down. I'm also going to have to consolidate the categories as well...which is something I've been needing to do. I'll try to get the Related Post and Share buttons back on. May take me a bit though. Oh, for all of you showing up and leaving the ridiculous spam comments...just stop. As funny as some of them unintentionally are, they just make you look bad. EDIT: Gotten some of the stuff back up. Wish I could have some footer columns or something. EDIT #2 (8/18/2012 @ 1:51 AM): I crashed everything then fixed it in a ten minute period. I'm am getting the hell out of the dashboard and going to bed. I've been up to long today. Oh, anybody know how to fix the time on here? ...
Trying to Get Caught Up
I'm just now getting some time to try to get caught up with everything here. I finished taking all the antibiotics my doctor gave me to get over the sinus infection a few days ago, but I still haven't felt too good. I think that I was having a bit of a reaction to the meds, but it seems to be getting better now.Anyway, I have a ton of reviews that need to get up this week, including the DreamHost review. I'm still working on getting the transfer done, so it's probably going to be in two parts. I had been hoping to have it all done by now, but with everything that's been going on it's been pushed to the back burner. There will be a few new giveaways put up as well, so be on the look out for those as well. Also, I will be attending FenCon X this year! Yay!! I should have a table set up with Trana and I will be selling prints as well as cover commissions. I'll have more details on that once it get's closer to October. ...