Blogger was down all day yesterday, making it impossible for anyone to post to their blogs. It seem that they got the problem fixed, however, all the problems with the new interface/redesign are still there. Thankfully I can still get into the old interface to post.Anyway, I've got a few reviews I'm going to try to get out this weekend. ...
blog update
trying out Google AdWords
I got a gift card for Google AdWords in the mail today, and I figured I might as well give it a try. Not too many places will give you $100 free to use their site. I'm going to try three different ad campains to see what type of ad works better and for how much you need to offer for them...all while staying within the $100 for the month. Then I'm going to write an article for Technorati about the results. But, in order to pull this off, I'm going to need your help.The first of the ads is running right now: a simple text add promoting this month's giveaway. What I need for you, my readers, to do is to let me know where you see them at. What is the name of the site? What kind of site is it? Also, what did you think about the ad itself? What made you click it? You can simply leave a comment or send me an email. Any and all comments will help, and it will only take a minute of your time. ...
Happy Mothers Day!!
I hope everyone has a Happy Monther's Day. If your looking for a good movie to see, I suggest Thor. I saw it earlier today, and it was really good. ...
blog glitches
I'm still having trouble with updating the blog due to the Blogger dashboard updates. There are also still some bugs with links due to the domain switch over. If you find any links that are broken, please let me know so I can get them fixed. ...
quick update
I seriously do not like the Blogger redesign. Half the pages are glitched up and I'm having problems updating posts. Expect updates to be a bit slow for a few days.I have several reviews that I'm working on right now, including some 'As Seen On TV' items and Santa and the Little Teddy Bear. They probaly won't be up until sometime later in the week. We are suposed to be getting more stomes staring tonight, and with the way the weather has been lately, it makes me a little paranoid. It's funny because when I was younger, I always wanted to see a tornado. Now that I'm older, own a house, and have a baby, I'm absolutley terrified of them...mainly becasue of the cost of getting stuff fixed. It's amazing how priorities change as you get older. So, hopefully we will get some much needed rain, and not all the other. ...
new domain!!
Well, it finally here:! In the next few days, the blog will be redirecting to that address. ...