I just got my second award! This one is the Liebster Blog Award, and I received it from Africa's Blog.In case you are not aware, this award spotlights the up and coming blogs that have less than 200 followers. So what’s the catch for this award? By accepting this award, what we need to do is:1. Copy and paste the award on our blog.2. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to us. (thanks Africa's Blog!)3. Reveal our top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.4. Hope that our followers will spread the love to other bloggersThanks again to Africa's BlogMy 5 Picks:Alfabet SoupAsk ShanaeCan Do It MomCinnamonInkHandprints on the Wall ...
Nominated for Parents Best All-Around Blog Award
I've been nominated for the Parents Best All-Around Blog Award. Neat! So...vote for me!! EDIT: I had to go back and chance to a screencap of the image, due to the scripting code messing up the layout. ...
The Versatile Blogger Award
Melissa from The Mommyhood Chrinicles has given me the Cersatile Blogger Award. I'm so excited at getting my first award! Melissa has a wonderful blog, so go and check it out.The rules after accepting The Versatile Blogger Award are:Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post Share 7 things about yourself Pass this award to 15 blogs 7 Things About Myself:I was originally born in Maryland, and moved to Texas when I was 11. I'm an avaid gamer. I'm a huge anime fan. My fav holiday is Halloween. I read...a lot. I actively hunt ghosts. My house is haunted. 15 Awsome Blogs:A Time Out For Mommy Kelly's Lucky You Bacon Time with the Hungry Hungry Hippo Cozy in Texas Dallas Single Mom Fatty Bumpkins Growing Up Geeky Jamie's Precious Peas Makobi Scribe Mom's Online Garage Sale Mommy and her boogersaurus Musings of a Modern Mom My Life as Mom and Wife One More Flew Ove the Cuckoo's Nest Yankee Texan Mom ...