Tiny Love wind chimes were realled last month, but I only just saw the recall sign up at my WalMart while I was looking a kick jyms today. The chimes can be pulled apart, exposing sharp metal rods that pose numerous hazards to babies. The wind chimes included are baby wind chime, baby wind chime ocean, tiny smarts baby bunny, wind chime duck, wind chime louie, wind chime ella, and the tiny smarts gify set. THe link below has pictures of the items and replacement information.http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml10/10136.html ...
busy few days
Hannah is feeling a lot better and has been keeping me busy the last two days. She's almost got crawling down as well...she just hasn't gotten the lifting up part yet. I think she'll be doing it by next week.Our date night went well. We ended up going to Edohana in Rockwall. They have great food and the sushi is excellent. I suggest the Cowboy roll. ...
date night!!
The Tylenol is working and Hannah's fever is gone. My parents are coming over to watch Hannah so Jason and I can go out for a bit. I need to go buy some shorts and we're going to go eat. I'm hoping for Red Lobster...I love lobster fest. ...
Hannah is running a slight fever from her shots right now. It's not too bad at the moment; it's 99.8. I hope the Tylenol kicks in soon. ...
layout change
I'm playing around with the layout right now...so it may change a lot over the next fews days. ...
Hannah’s first round of shots!
Hannah had her first round of shots earlier this morning. She did a lot better than I expected, however she was extremely fussy/grumpy before she ever got there because Sandy (my mother-in-law) barged over and harassed her to the point of tears. She gets her digital camera about an inch away from Hannah's face and starts taking pictures...with the flash on. And she wonders why Hannah cries when she's over.Anyway, the doctor said that Hannah is healthy and growing good. We just need to start adding extra formula power to her bottle because she isn't gaining a lot of weight due to the soy formula. We'll take her back in 2 weeks and she if she's gained any. If not, we will have to change her formula to something with more calories. ...