1:00 pm -- blahhh...(sick)Monday @ 8:27 pm -- This ended up being my off day. I was just too out of it to do the workout. ...
INSANITY Workout – Day 4 & 5
I haven't been feeling to well the last two days, and my works suffered because of it. I was barely able to make it through the workouts without feeling like I was going to throw up. I'm not too sure I'm going to do todays, which is a repeat of the cardio circut from Day 2.I bought a few cases of Slim-Fast (they are in rollback for $5 at WalMart) since I don't eat breakfeast and/or lunch on the days Jason is working. I'm hoping that they will help a bit. ...
long day yesterday
My day got totally screwed up yesterday. I didn't even get to write about Day 4 of the workout. I'll get to that later, after I do todays workout.Anyway, we went to WalMart yesterday and I took us over two hours to get out of there. Everyone was stoping us to look at Hannah. I wish there was another WalMart to go to besides the one Jason works at. I won't shop at the Forney store (long story), and its' too much hassle to get to the Rockwall store. Mom and dad came over later in the evening, and Hannah was hyper. She's spent the last three days bouncing around and squeeling with glee. Mom thought it was the funniest thing ever. She wants dad to bring the video camera over today so he can send the video to my grandparents in Baltamore.Today, Hannah has been just as hyper. She sleeping right now...she wore herself out. I'll be waking her up in a bit so she can eat her rice cereal and have her bottle. ...
INSANITY Workout – Day 3
The workout for today was cardio power and resistance. I didn't think I was going to make it through. My calf muscles were sore to the point that I was having trouble lifting my legs. It's quite annoying. And I had to stop twice: first because Hannah had just eaten and wouldn't stay off her stomach, thus throwing up all over the play pen...again, and the second time was to change her. She got mad that I left her in the crib until I was done, and preceded to spit her rice cereal at me in vengeance.Tomorrow I'm going to do some walking before the workout in order to help alleviate any cramps. Then, hopefully, I can get (force) Jason to Finnish the yard-work he's been putting off. ...
INSANITY Workout – Day 2
Today's workout is the plyometric cardio circut, and OMG it was tough. I didn't realize how weak my left arm is after the car wreck 2 1/2 years ago. I can barley hold myself up doing the push-ups. I think what I'll do is start doing the last circut routine (jabs, punches, ect...) while wearing my wrist weights in order to start building the strength back up.I also noticed that I was getting winded very early on, so tomorrow I think I'll start the workout a little later in the moring so that I'm awake and have been up moving around for a bit. ...
Well, so much for my outing I had planned today with my mom and Hannah. It's pouring down rain so there's no point in trying to go to Tanger and Ham's Orchard. Guess I'll concentrate on scrubbing the kitchen floor after my workout. ...