Last night I decided to try my had at making onigiri, rice balls, to go with dinner last night. I found a good sounding recipe on Recepiezaar. Now I understand why they sell the little triangle molds. It's really hard to mold them if your not familiar with making them. My hands kept drying up, causing the rice to stick to me. My rice balls ended up looking more like eggs, but they came out really good. I caught Jason getting up in the middle of the night to eat some more of them, so I know he liked them.If you want to give it a try, here's the recipe: ...
INSANITY Workout – Day 9
Todays' exercise was the cardio circut, and I also did the cardio power & resistance workout again as my warm-up. I did a lot better at the power workout today being that my sinuses are clear. I also improved a great deal in the pure cardo from last time...again due to feeling better. However, I don't think I'll be doing two back-to-back workouts again for a while. I'm wore out.Since starting the program I've noticed I've lost about 3 inches off my waist and 3 inches off my hips. I've also lost 7 lbs as well. It seems that I'm finially loosing all the fluid I retained from the infection and prednisone. ...
INSANITY Workout – Day 8
Very late...I know. I managed to make it through the workout, even though I still don't feel well. I'm not happy with how I did, so I'm hoping to improve on it in the future. ...
new link banner
Here is my new link banner I made yesterday: ...
INSANITY Workout – Day 7
Since I was sick yesterday, I decided to make it my off day. So I did yesterdays workout today...which was the polymetric cardio circut. I'm still not 100% yet so I ened up sitting out during the push-ups. I did try thought but couldn't hold myself up long enought to do the full circut. I also only did about half of the warm-up and mainly concentrated on the streches Overall, I think it did improve a bit from the first time I did the workout. Cutting back a bit on the warm-up helped a great deal. By the time I start the workout, I've spent a better part of the day running aroung the house and after my heartrate is already up. The warm-ups usually end up being overkill. ...
crawling status
Well, she's getting closer to crawling. She's still in squeal/screech mode and has been happily bouncing off the walls today. At least I got her to take a nap for a bit. ...