Disney’s A Wrinkle In Time, based on the award winning novel by Madeleine L’Engle, follows a young girl named Meg who is trying to deal with the loss of her father. Her father disappeared under mysterious circumstances when she was younger, and is bullied by classmates because of this. Her gifted younger brother, Charles Wallace, is ostracized as well. After meeting Mrs. Watsit, Meg finds herself, her brother, and a friend whisked off to rescue her father.
This movie had a lot of things going for, including stunning visuals and an A-list cast. However, they quickly became so distracting that the plot and the message got lost almost from the beginning. It did kind of follow the book for the most part. It’s been a long time since I read it. I will say that I was disappointed that they made Mrs. Watsit turn into a giant flying artichoke instead of a horse.
Overall, I had a hard time sitting though it but my daughter did enjoy it for the most part. A Wrinkle In Time is available now in Digital, DVD, and Blu-ray.
I received a digital copy of the above mentioned move for free for review. All options are 100% my own.
The Giveaway
Disney wants to give two lucky readers a digital copy of A Wrinkle in Time. To enter, tell me what part of the movie you are most excited to see in a comment below. Once you do that, you can complete the extra entries on the Rafflecopter form. This giveaway is open to US residents only and ends July 1st at midnight CST. Good Luck!
Disclaimer: This giveaway is in no way related/sponsored/endorsed by Facebook or Twitter. Winners will be chosen at random and have 48 hours to respond or a new one will be picked. Each household is only eligible to win one A Wrinkle In Time digital movie via blog reviews and giveaways. Only one entrant per mailing address per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not be eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification. Failure to complete the mandatory entry in full will result in disqualification. The prize will be mailed directly to the winner by Disney. The prize will be sent via FedEx or USPS. No P.O. Boxes please. Misadvmom.com is not responsible items being lost or damaged during shipping.
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