Disney’s The Lion King is the acclaimed animated film that follows young lion cub Simba as he comes of age and takes his rightful place in the King of the Pride Lands. Tricked by his Uncle Scar into believing he is responsible for the death of his father Mufasa, Simba runs away. He is found by Timon and Pumbaa, a meerkat and warthog, who raise him to adulthood. Will Simba return to Pride Rock and defeat his Uncle?
I absolutely loved The Lion King as a kid. I was in middle school when it came out and I remember everyone singing Hakuna Matata for weeks and hearing Can You Feel the Love Tonight every time I turned the radio on. One of my favorite parts of the movie was Scar singing Be Prepared. Jeremy Irons did a phenomenal job with the voice acting and do this day it is still one of my favorite performances.
Disney sent me a digital copy of the movie, which has been re-released as part of the Signature Collection. I haven’t watched it in a long time, and my daughter had never seen it all the way through. We made an afternoon of it and she ended up watching twice in one day. She already has the songs memorized and has been humming them all since.
Overall, this is still one of the best Disney movies and I still enjoy it. I’m also very happy that my daughter loves it just as much. The Lion King is rated G, and is available now on Digital HD and will be available on Blu-ray August 29.
I received the above mentioned movie for free for a review. All opinions are 100% my own.
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