A few weeks back I was sent a garden sickle from Toil in the Soil. The sickle is 15.75 inches long and features a serrated stainless steel blade and an ash wood handle.
Let it not be said that I don’t receive really cool products for review. I’ve already decided to plant a whole bunch of corn in my garden this spring so that I can do a ‘He Who Walks Between the Rows’ bit at Halloween to scare the trick-or-treaters.
The blade is very sharp, and I’m glad that it comes with a sturdy blade cover. It’s pretty light weight and is comfortable to use. Now, I’ve haven’t gotten to use it a whole lot yet. The weather has been unbelievable the past month. I would have never thought that I would be having multiple tornado warnings the day after Christmas…but then that’s what I get for living in Texas.
I have used in on several bunches of weeds that grown up around the bricks on the front flowerbed. It’s mostly crabgrass that is hard to get out. It went through them like a knife through butter. It’s been the perfect tool to use for dealing with the stuff that my edger can’t get. I am looking forward to trying it out further once the weather changes and I can start work in the flower beds.
Overall, it’s a very nifty little tool. It’s sold on Amazon, however they are currently out of stock.
I received the above mentioned item for free to help facilitate my review. All opinions are 100% my own.
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