Most people can not stand to NOT check their cell phone every minute, and even resort to keeping it on the table near them during meal times. Others may be spending too much time with a toxic friend; not even realizing that this friend is draining all of their energy and taking away from should truly matter in life. The truth is there are many things that can zap your energy and add to your physical and mental clutter.
As opposed to adding to life’s complexities, you should strive to rid your life of people, things, and situations that contribute to stress. Your goal should be simple: to fill your life with what actually matters and focus on those things. In other words, you should be living a more meaningful life, which you can achieve by making life simpler. This will especially come in handy when visiting a health and rehab center. You’ll be living a simplified life that’ll make recovery and your health the focal point in your life.
1. Distractions (also known as “noise”) can lead you astray
If you find yourself filling your life with distractions, it may be because you’re afraid of the silence. Distracting yourself is only natural since our world comes with noise, but the reality is that the noise may be what is controlling you. Don’t let distractions like TV, your smart phone, food, music, and more hold you back. You’ll realize after you cut out the noise that you can focus on the tasks and people you’ve been unintentionally pushing aside for a while.
2. Realize that doing more activities can add to the clutter
There are always going to activities that are fun that will call your name. Take social media for example. If you check your Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, or Twitter, you will see tons of new restaurants and hobbies that you may want to pursue. But before you put them on your list of activities you want to do, think about the things you are currently focusing on. If you add more, you’ll only subtract space and add to the clutter in your life.
3. Money can’t buy you love or a simpler lifestyle
Do you know the saying, “money can’t buy me, love?” Well, it turns out this is very true. If you find yourself getting caught up in work and spending ALL of your time on earning money but not taking the time to relax and focus on your family, it’s time to simplify a few things. Can you hire someone to help you? Or can you take a well-deserved vacation with your loved ones? It’s not all about the money, and you may find that if you downsize and work less you will be happier because life will be simpler.
4. Buying tons of stuff won’t fulfill you
It’s easy to get caught up in buying the latest television, gadget, or updating your wardrobe. However, getting caught up in materialism won’t fulfill you. In fact, it can take away from your life by taking over your home! A simple life means having fewer belongings (stick to what you need and love) and not feeling like you have to have everything. There is only so much space and time.
5. Priorities won’t get accomplished automatically
It’s up to you to make time for what’s important to you. Figure out what your priorities are. Is it spending time with your significant other? Taking your kids to their soccer games? Making time to exercise and read a good book? Your priorities won’t get accomplished without you making them important, so learn to say no to other things that are taking up your time.
The bottom line is, you can’t live a simpler life unless you are willing to change. Letting go of old routines and habits can be challenging, but you can set a few goals each month until you gradually weed out the things that are taking away from happiness and productivity. A few more words of advice: stay out of people’s drama, be grateful for life, stay positive, learn NOT to take things personally and learn from your mistakes. Figure out what is most important in your life and stick with that because it will help you live a fulfilling and simpler life that’s worth living.
Now it’s your turn. What has been holding you back from living a simpler life? And how can you change this?
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