Women who smoke are putting themselves at an increased risk for breast cancer, lung cancer and heart disease. Mothers are not the only ones affected by cigarette smoking. Children who inhale secondhand smoke are more likely to develop asthma, respiratory infections and ear infections. Exposing a baby to secondhand smoke can increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
There are many things that stay-at-home mothers can do to quit smoking. Below is a list of tips that will help:
Surround Yourself With A Supportive Group Of People
Your family members and friends can give you the encouragement you need to quit smoking. You can also benefit from joining a support group. Nicotine Anonymous is an example of a group that can help you stop smoking. You can also join smoking cessation support groups online.
Develop Healthy Habits
Many women find that their cravings are the strongest during times when they are bored. That is why it is important to keep yourself busy with healthy activities. You can put your baby in a stroller and take a walk in the park. The fresh air will be beneficial for you and your baby and will allow you to get some exercise in. Furthermore, the change of scenery can help you take your mind off of smoking.
It is also necessary to eat healthy foods. Many women smoke after they have a baby because they want to lose weight. While smoking can help you lose weight because it suppresses appetite, it is much better and healthier for you to lose weight by eating healthy and exercising.
Talk To A Counselor
Quitting smoking is not easy. That is why you may want to consider talking to a counselor about how you are feeling. Keep in mind that if you have health insurance, then it may cover the cost of your counseling sessions.
Find A Way To Deal With Cravings
Cravings will come, so you have to find a way to deal with them. For example, you can call a friend when you start to experience cravings. You can also chew some gum or go for a walk when you start to develop cravings. Cravings typically only last for a few minutes, so you just need a short activity to keep you occupied during that time.
Another way to deal with cravings is to “trick” yourself by using vapor, or ecigarette devices to help give your brain the satisfaction that you had when you were smoking. Facilitating the hand-to-mouth motion can help you get past the psychological part of smoking. Make sure to check with your doctor to ensure that vaping is right for you.
Avoid Trigger Spots
You should avoid situations that trigger the urge to smoke. For example, if you always have a cigarette with your morning coffee, then you may want to consider having a cup of tea instead. If you always smoke with your friends on the weekends, then you will have to find another way to unwind.
Seek Professional Help
There is nothing wrong with reaching out for help if you have trouble quitting smoking on your own. Nicotine patches, sprays or gums can help you cope with the cravings. However, if you are a nursing mother, then a small amount of nicotine may end up in your breast milk. You may also want to consider asking your doctor for help.
This contribution is courtesy of MightySkins, a vinyl decal store for devices. MightySkins carries vape wraps from brands like Ploom, Cloupor, and Hana Modz skins.
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