You can choose your friends, your school major, and your spouse, but you can’t choose your family. However, you can decide when and where to spend quality time with them. A large number of families decide to reunite upon the open seas for a cruise holiday. If this has not previously been on your itinerary, read a few reasons why your next family gathering should take place on a cruiseship.
Control the Variables
When planning a gathering on land, it’s difficult to control variables for all parties. Considering the costs of airfare, car rentals, gasoline, hotels, and more, it can begin to look like an expensive reunion for some or all. However, cruise lines offer all-inclusive deals as well as packages for large parties. It’s easier for members to budget for the gathering and allocate funds for extras. Rather grandma getting blindsided by additional costs, put her heart at ease and ensure the reunion will be filled with happiness while not emptying her bank.
Playing the Options
If you plan a gathering at a destination or event, you limit the options for attendants. For example, while young people in the family may enjoy a trip to Disney World, others in the clan may not have the same fervour for the location. A cruise ship creates options for all attendees, whether it’s enjoying the food, the pool, or multiple visited locations. Rather than limiting interest and possible attendance, fill the affair with options so it’s likely all invited will come and enjoy.
Get More for Less
In addition to a plethora of activities, Cunard Cruise Line and others allow attendees to see multiple destinations. While destination vacations are centralised and limited, cruise ships take you to several spots so you can see different cultures, landscapes, and share a load of experiences. Get more for less money and hassle when choosing a cruise reunion.
No Fuss About Who’s the Boss
Regarding immediate families, parents share the role of ‘boss,’ making executive decisions and encouraging children to take direction and do what’s right. However, when you have several immediate families, there is a problem regarding who is the boss, which creates tension and disagreement. But no such problems arise when deciding on a cruise because the itinerary is provided by the cruise line. Family members take direction from cruise personnel regarding when the dining room is open, what games to play, and where the group is going next. It creates a level of excitement and puts the kibosh on potential quarrels.
Get In with the New
Families have existed for centuries, but the notion of cruise reunions is a fairly new trend. The idea is fresh, exciting, and out of the norm. Due to reasonable costs, pre-planned itineraries, and the opportunity to see more places on one cruise, the plan is easy to pitch to both old and younger family members.
Grace the open sea, see beautiful sunsets, and make lasting memories on your next cruise vacation. Make your next trip one that the entire extended family can enjoy.
Michael Wilson is the Managing Director of Bolsover Cruise Club, a company started by his parents during the late 1960’s, and originally known as Bolsover Travel. Michael is passionate about his business, taking an interest in every aspect of it. Outside of work, Michael likes rugby, gardening and holidays with his family.
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