A week ago I received a Handheld Wireless Milk Frother from MatchaDNA to test out and review. The milk frother has a stainless steel shaft & whip, runs on two AA batteries and quickly froths your milk.
I was a little surprised when I first got the frother. It was very light and seemed very delicate. I thought that it was going to fall apart either during or after the first use. However, it worked perfectly and I’ve since been having a blast making all sorts of drinks. I’m not even a coffee drink but I’ve been using it to mix up Pumpkin Spice Lattes. They come out really good.
In fact, it can be used for thinks other than frothing milk. I have found it to be perfect for giving my hot tea a quick mix after adding sugar. I have also used it for my eggs. You still need to beat the yolks with a fork to break them up, but you can then use the frother to make them fluffier.
For cleaning, you can rinse it with warm water and soap. Just don’t get the handle area wet. I’ve been using a straw/nipple-cleaning brush (that I had left over from when my daughter was still using bottles & sippy cups) to clean the whip part if there is anything left one it.
Overall, it’s a great tool that you can find all sorts of uses for. The frother is currently out of stock, but was $6.25 (+ shipping) on Amazon.
I received the above mentioned product for free to help facilitate my review. All opinions are 100% my own.
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