This year, DreamWorks animation and the director of the legendary movie “The Lion King”, bring to us a new animated comedy, called “Mr. Peabody & Sherman”. It tells us the story of a time traveler that is not the typical scientist or engineer, you would imagine when thinking about someone who can travel in time. The Mr Peabody and Sherman trailer gives us an amazing first look of the heroes of this hilarious animation.
Meet Mr. Peabody, he is a genius canine that can talk and do a bunch of other cool things. While growing up, Mr. Peabody received his doctoral degrees and invented the very sexy dance zumba. He is a genius that invented the WABAC time machine. Also, he is a dad that takes care of this amazing human boy. Mr. Peabody adopted his son Sherman and now has to face the huge challenge of life that is raising the kid.
Sherman is a little human boy who is raised by a dog. There is nothing weird about this because the dog is more responsible and is smarter than half of the parents in this world. He has a little crush on his classmate, Penny Peterson. She is a blonde cutie that’s spoiled and she is not afraid of anything.
The WABAC time machine gives the chance to Mr. Peabody and Sherman to travel around the world in different time periods. It must be a secret, but Sherman reveals it, in an attempt to impress Penny. So now together they go to Ancient Egypt 1330 BC. The consequences are drastic and Mr. Peabody has to repair the damage that’s done to our history. Together, these 3 heroes of our movie travel back in the past and try to save the history of our civilization.
The “Mr. Peabody & Sherman” movie hits the cinemas, this march. Do not lose the chance to explore the past together with the most amazing dog in the whole Universe and witness the history in a way no one ever did before. Laugh and have a great time, watching the funniest animation of the year.
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