Fire Light is the first in the Trinity of Mind young adult fantasy series by first-time author J. Abram Barneck. Jake is a jeek, part jock & part geek, who lives a relatively normal life and hopes to get away from home by getting a football scholarship. Suddenly, he finds himself in the middle of a conspiracy to exterminate all the Druids in the world and more girl problems than he can handle. Will he be able to protect his loved ones as well as himself?
The story was a little slow up first, but it picked up pretty quick. The plot was solid and stayed on course the entire story. All the characters were likable and very well developed. I really found myself not being able to put it down, and ended up reading it in about a day and a half.
I first thought that the love triangle was going to be a rehash of Twilight. But I was very happy to be wrong. he added a very unique twist & looks to be taking it in a different direction than what you would normally expect. I am eager to see how all three of them learn to cope with what Jake did and what eventually happens to them. I also would like to see how Jake grows into his powers more.
I really loved all the pop culture references to books, tv & movies mentioned throughout the book. Jake uses those primarily as a defense mechanism when he is try to cover his nervousness or when he’s totally out of his depth with someone. I really loved the one’s relating to the Dresden Files, a series by Jim Butcher. They, more so than an other references, pretty much summed up completely how Jake felt at any given moment without diving into a long, unnecessary internal dialogue. All of these references, however, are used heavily & many of them may go over people’s heads and be a bit of a turn-off. The only other think I noticed was the term ‘jeek’ was a bit overused after a while. It became a bit annoying.
Overall, I really enjoyed Fire Light and look forward to the sequel. It a must have for any teens into urban fantasy, and also great for grownup too. It is available as an eBook, and is $7.99 on Amazon. It is also scheduled to be available in print on December 11. I think it’s a little high, but it’s worth every penny. You can find out more about the author and keep up with news on the second book at his website.
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