This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of The Orkin Ecologist for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Did you know that over 80 of the world’s species are bugs? That means over 200 million for each person on the planet! You might not think it, but they all play important parts in out ecosystem. They eat waste, other bugs, carcasses & even trash. If you want to lean about bugs I suggest checking out the Orkin Ecologist site. It’s a great educational resource for all ages.
I checked it out the other day and read an info graphic about the scariest and deadliest bugs in the world. I knew that there are some crazy bugs out there, but after reading about these guys, I’m glad most of them are in other part of the world. I’d be scared to death to go outside. Some of the scary insects included the Human Bot Fly (which can live under the human skin for weeks), cockroaches, and the Goliath Bird-Eating Spider. The Goliath Bird-Eating Spider looks like it came right out of the Arachnophobia movie.
The deadly bugs are even scarier. They talked about several different insects, like the Giant Japanese Hornet. These hornets have been in the news lately due to the large number of attacks in China. These hornets can destroy a 30,000-member colony of honeybees in only half an hour. You can read more about these and other bugs at the Orkin Ecologist site. They also have a Facebook and Pintrest page too.
Out of all the bugs, I am scared of spiders the most. I’ve gotten better over the years but I freak out when I come across the big ones. When I first moved to Texas, I constantly heard that ‘everything is bigger’. They weren’t kidding. I was outside on day during summer vacation and a hug tarantula came scuttling down the driveway toward me. I had no idea that they had the in the area, and I panicked. My grandpa came out and squished it with a mattock. When he did that, all the babies ran off it and we both took off so they didn’t get on us. It was really gross.
Do you have a ‘bug out’ story? Tell me about it in a comment below. You can also share your own bug story on social media too. Just use the hashtag #BugOut.
Goliath Bird-Eathing Spider image from Orkin Ecoligist. Bug stats info from Encyclopedia Smithsonian.
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