It’s been relatively hectic since FenCon. Plus, the weather has decided to go crazy. It’s been raining almost non-stop for the last few days. We got caught out in a big downpour yesterday while trying to get to the grocery store. My mom had come over to go with us & I still say she brought the rain with her. It was clear until I pulled the 4Runner out, then it started pouring. Of course, the sunroof started leaking within a few minutes so I had to go back out and pull it back under the carport. I was competently soaked and had to change my clothes. Mom’s was just as bad & had to spend part of the afternoon wet. We got soaked again trying to get into the store. Luckily, my daughter used me as a shield so she stayed relatively dry. by then, the rain was coming down so hard that we had to wait close to two hours before we attempted to venture home. The best part was the rain boots my daughter picked up. She fell in love with them & refused to take them off the rest of the day. Dada had to talk her into taking them off at bed time. She also wore them for part of toady too.
And, with all this rain…my office floor is flooded again. We’ve been running the carpet cleaner to try to get it dry but it not going to do much good until the rain stops. So…my office smells like om socks. Lovely. I’ve got a bit of a break as far as product reviews right now (there were some issues with receiving some items for a review through Tomoson). I’m hoping to try to get some articles done in the meantime, as well as get going on the 2013 Holiday Gift Guide. I probably won’t do a whole lot with that just yet since I need to be on my desktop to edit images and whatnot. But I can easily get coupon posts up on my laptop tomorrow.
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