It’s always important for kids to have chores. It helps them learn responsibility. Since my daughter turned 3, I have been giving her small chores to do around the house. Mostly it’s been picking up her toys, keeping her room picked up, and other stuff like that. I’ve quickly found that it’s hard to keep her interested in doing her chores since she’s still young. She gets easily sidetracked. But, I believe that I have found a great solution – My Job Chart.
My Job Chart is the free, easy to use, online chore chart and reward system for teaching, organizing and motivating your kids to Save, Share and Spend responsibly. It gives parents the satisfaction of seeing their kids gain the foundation skills of a strong work ethic and financial responsibility. Here’s how it works:
You set up an account for your child and assign chores. Each chore you assign has a point value which is awarded to your child as he or she completes each chore. Once enough points have been accumulated, they can be used towards items like movie tickets & toys. The more points your child has, the better the item will be.
I love the point system since it gives children something to work towards. They are able to easily keep track of what they are doing and can see that they are earning. I am definitely going to sign my daughter up. There are 468,049 members using MJC and hundreds more joining each day! Check them out today and sign up.
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