A while back, I was sent a box of 20 Mule Team Borax from Purex Insiders. Borax has been around for a long time, and is a 100% natural mineral used for cleaning. It softens hard water, boosts your regular detergent, & can be used for a number of cleaning uses around the house. You can also use it in a number of crafts as well.
My grandmother used Borax and swore by it. I had never used it before aside from a few school projects, so I was eager to try it out. The box arrived while I was on vacation & was waiting for me when I got home. I immediately used it in my husband’s laundry. His socks can walk themselves home at the end of the day, and they never really get clean. So, I added ½ cup of Borax in with the load. Not only did they come out completely clean, they also didn’t smell anymore. After that, I started adding it to everything. It’s really great for the towels since it gets the mildew smell out of them.
I’ve also noticed that the washing machine is also a lot cleaner inside too. It also tends to get a bit musty from time to time, especially during the summer months due to the excess 100+ temp days we get. I don’t have to run the Borax in an empty load…which is major improvement over using the Clorox Washing Machine Cleaner stuff.
Overall, I love 20 Mule Team Borax. It’s tried & true, and doesn’t have a whole bunch of stuff added in it. It’s inexpensive and really cleans your laundry. It’s available at most stores (Where Can I Get Borax?). It’s under $3 at WalMart. You can get more info at the Borax website.
Borax provided a free sample of their product so I could review them. However, all of the opinions expressed here are my own.
EDIT: Reposted 8/24/2013; messed up from transfer.
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