I had a wonderful week in Rockport! I finally got a chance to relax and get some fishing in, plus Hannah and I got to spend some time with my parents. I wish my husband had been able to go, but he wasn’t able to get off of work. In face, he worked a crazy scheduled with no days off. I hope that he will be off at some point this week. By the time he gets home at night, Hannah is already in bed so she doesn’t get to see him.
I took my laptop with me in hopes that I would be able to get some product reviews done. I got a few partially written, but the internet connection was so bad that I could barely update anything. I was surprised that I was able to get the iPad post up. I got so frustrated with it that I gave up trying to get anything done and mostly left the laptop alone. I really needed to go through more video from the Beckham ghost investigation, but my sinuses are still so bad that my ears are clogged up…going on three weeks now. I couldn’t hear a thing even with headphones. Maybe I can get through it this week. **fingers crossed**
I’m going to post/share some pics on the Facebook page, but I’m going to wait putting them on the blog until after the transfer is done. I don’t really know how long it’s going to take. Jacqui started it on Wednesday, so I hope that it’s done in a few days. Some of the newer post might disapear but it should be easy to replace them.
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