The Harvest is a science fiction novel by Clint Morey. Mutants are bred for the sole purpose of organ donating. They are nearly impossible to tell apart from humans, and spent their entire lives in harvesting facilities. When the mutants at one facility break out and attack the nearby town, chaos breaks out. A cop, Cody, and a defected mutant, Steph, must come together in order to survive the night.
The story was very well written and had very well-rounded characters. While the overall concept of ‘clones for parts’ have been done before in the past (see Parts: The Clonus Horror or The Island), the take on this was refreshing. The mutants age quickly over the course of 10 years and when they are harvested, everything is taken…not just one or two things. This makes the opening chapter even more dramatic since you are seeing a harvesting first hand.
The overall focus of the story is the moral aspects regarding the use of the mutants. From the very start, the mutants are brainwashed from creation to believe that it is their destiny/role to eventually die to help humans. Those who are aware of what is going on want freedom. Everyone else sees them as either a cash source (the government & medical field) or as freaks of nature whose only purpose is to give people an extra lease on life (the general populace). It’s no wonder that once given the chance, the mutants revolt violently. It makes you stop and wonder: Would be any different in the future if we had the same technology?
Overall, I really enjoyed the story. It was very well written and I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys sci-fi. It is available as an ebook for $2.99 on Amazon.
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