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Below are some healthy living tips provided by ITO EN:
May 2013 be your healthiest, happiest year! Whatever your New Year’s resolutions might be, we know how difficult it is to keep them. Research shows that late January signals the trailing off of fitness club visits, healthy eating commitments, and vows to live with less stress.
Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions with These 5 Steps:
1. Do it for you.
The most important part of change is your will to do so. If you change for someone else, you will most likely find it harder to maintain your intention to change. Do what you want to do. Do it for you. You deserve it.
2. Be realistic: change one thing at a time.
Keep it simple and change one thing at a time. It is challenging enough to change one behavior, and taking on too much can disperse your focus and motivation. Stay focused on one change, and follow through. Through your success, you will find the energy and belief in yourself to do anything you set your mind to!
3. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.
Before January 1st, write a list of everything you are grateful for. You might want to change something, but focus on the many things that you love, and appreciate. A focus on gratitude gives you strength and a love for yourself that makes it easier to change what you find undesirable. Don’t forget to be kind to yourself when you succeed, AND when you fail. “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”
4. Make a plan.
Create a plan of action to reach your goal. If you want to eat healthier food, you might create a healthier weekly meal plan. Shop when you are feeling full and content, and choose your groceries carefully. Research healthy, easy recipes online, and create action steps for your success. It may be helpful to consult a nutritionist, or enroll friends and family in your plan so they can support you along the way.
5. Recommit to your goal each day.
One of the biggest challenges for maintaining and reaching goals is to remember the goal. It sounds silly, but the human mind is forgetful, easily distracted, and loves to make excuses. Leave a note with your goal by your bedside, and read it twice daily, morning and evening. Ask yourself if you still want this goal, and recommit to it daily. This will keep your goal top of mind throughout your day, and throughout your state of rest.
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