Well, we are all in various stages of sickness around here, so I spent most of my 29th birthday in bed today. Jason and I both have sinus infections and Hannah has a cold/ear infection combo. We spent all of yesterday evening at the Urgent Care Clinic after Hannah’s doctors’ office took all afternoon to call us back only to tell us that they coundn’t fit her in. I hate that they gave her ear drops because it’s way to hard to get her to sit still long enought to get them in. She started screaming bloody murder earlier.
Jason got me some shrimp tempura udon, from the fancy new Japanese resturant that opened in town, for dinner & picked up a big cheese cake. I’ve also spent that last few days playing with the complete set of Doctor Who Sonic Screwdrives that he got me for Christmas. Yes, they are kids toys…..but I love them. My dad flipped out when he saw them. Jason also got me a glass plate thingy that has early concetp artwork from the Thor movie. When you hold it up to the light, the Bifrost lights up. I have absolutely no idea where he got it, but it’s beautiful.
We also got a good little bit of snow Christmas days too. We went over to my parents around 10 am to open presents and have breakfest, then all of us went out to Junior’s (Jason’s grandfather) house. It was sleeting when we left Forney and buy the time we got up a little past Terrell it was a full blown white out. By the time we left there, around 5, there was at least 3 inches. There was about 2 at our house. Hannah ran around in the yeard for a bit, then we got her in.
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