Friends: The Complete Series Blu-ray Box Set is releasing on November 13th by Warner Bros! You can bring home all your favorite Friends moments, plus see them in stunning clarity on Blu-ray.
The Giveaway
To celebrate, one lucky reader will get a limited editrion Friends gift pack, containing two oversized cappuccino mugs and a picture frame just like the one on Monica’s door. To enter, take the Which Friend Are You Most Like quiz on the app below (under RC form) and leave your results in a comment below. Once you complete this mandatory entry, you can complete the additional entries on the Rafflecopter app. The contest is open to US residents only and ends November 24th @ midnight (EST).
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This post/giveaway is sponsored by PartnersHub.
I’m Rachel!
One of my favorite friends moments is when Ross and Rachel are in the laundry mat and Ross walks into the open dryer door. There are many more favorite friends moments but that’s the first one that came to mind. 😉
I got 56% Joey!!!
My favorite moment is when Joey tells Ross to hit him Ross and Joey ducks down and Ross hits a pole. Ross then asked why he ducked and Joey ays that it was a reflex reaction and goes to hit Ross to prove his point but Ross doesn’t duck and Joey hits him in the face.
Another favorite Friend moment is when Ross and Rachel are fighting and the rest of the gang hide behind the door eavesdropping.
I love Friends! My favorite moment is any time Monica goes into a cleaning frenzy.
I am Monica!