I’m getting ready to start potty training Hannah and I don’t really know what to get her in the way of a potty. Should I get one the chairs that later converts to a stool, or should I get one of the ones that just attach to the toilet? If there really any difference between the two?
We are potty training daughter #2, and we’re just doing the potty seat that attaches to the stool. She’s doing good so far! M&Ms as a reward helps a little…
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I liked the seat that attaches to the regular toilet. No dumping gross elimination, and the kids were used to getting on the toilet when it came to take the potty seat off.
Hey there! I found you via the friday hop and just added myself to your followers! Maybe you could follow back? 🙂 Also I wanted to invite you to come enter a huge Steve Madden giveaway I’m having right now!!
Hope to see you there! And thanks so much!
I’m Shar! New follower from Blog Hops Everyday! Come visit me over at: sharmartinez.blogspot.com
xoxo -Shar