A few weeks back, I was sent a copy of the NNAT®2 Practice Workbook from The Test Tutor. The book is designed to help children prepare for the NNAT®2, a test that looks at the general intellectual ability of children. The book covers grades K (age 5) through 12, has 85 full-color exercises & answer key, test & scoring details, and test taking strategies.
When I first received the book I had no idea what the NNAT®2 even was. After looking it up, I still don’t really know. From what I understand, it’s basically a test to see if your child is gifted and/or talented. It gives teachers an idea of how children will perform during their school years. It tests pattern completion, reason by analogy, serial reasoning & spatial visualization. Apparently, many schools now have students take this test at some point in their early years.
Basically, the questions in the workbook are predominantly shape and pattern related…sort of like the stuff they do on Team Umizoomi. Your child would be picking out what would come next in a sequence or filling in a blank area. My daughter is 2 ½ and I randomly picked out a few questions in the K – 2 section. These questions are basically for 5 to 8 year olds. She seemed to have no problem with them and picked out the correct answers with only a quick explanation of what she was to do from me. I know that she is smart, but am I going to go around and proclaim her to be above average just because she can identify patterns? No. I just don’t think that these questions are all the difficult to figure out.
Overall, I’m a little conflicted on this one. If you know that your child is going to have to take it, than the workbook is helpful. It gives them and you a fair idea of what to expect. However, this book costs $45, not including shipping (eBook format is $35). I came across several websites that have printable and online tests that were free. When it comes down to it, I think I would go with the free over paying closes to $50…but then again, it’s up to you. You can find out more info about the book and other workbooks from Test Tutor at their website.
I received the above item for free to help facilitate my review.
EDIT: Original post was lost and was reposed 8/12/12.
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