Last week, I received a screener copy of the film Otter 501. The film was produced by Sea Studios Foundation, and follows the story of a baby sea otter and the young woman who found her. While staying in Monterey Bay, aspiring marine biologist Kate comes across a baby sea otter that has been washed up on shore. After the otter is rescued, Kate become curious about what will happen to it and eventually visits SORAC, the Sea Otter Research and Conservation center at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. From there, she becomes involved with the sea otter program and watches on as the baby sea otter she found, now called Otter 501, learns what she needs to in order to survive out in the wild.
I received an early copy of the movie (and a bag of popcorn!) from Sea Studios to facilitate my review.
Thanks for sharing, Angela! You’ve got a great site. You can find out what theaters you can see it at here: We’ll continue to add more as we go and we’ve added a few East Coast openings, too!