Well, it guess it’f officially severe storm season around here. Right now, there is a large tornado heading towards Lancaster and is moving North towards Hutchins (I think). Everyone in the DFW area, make sure to put on the local weather. News 8 has a live feed of the storm.
I’ll try to post some updates as I get them. It’s cloudy here right now, but I know it will be moving in probably in the next hour or so. Once all this is past, I’ll be able to get back to writing up a few paid posts. Ugghh…I hate Texas weather!
Now might also be a good time to check out the Store Preparidness article I wrote last year: https://misadvmom.com/2011/06/article-emergency-planning-for-tornado.html
UPDATE 1: Tornado is friggin huge!!!!! Possibly F3. If your not watching News 8, put it on now. There is also a tornado heading directly towards Arlington. If anyone in the area knows a link to a live news feed, post it on the comments and I’ll get it up.
UPDATE 2: Tornado in/near Downtown Dallas. Tornado reported in Mesquite.
UPDATE 3: Thankfully, there is nothing goin on in my area for now. However, I don’t think we’ve ever seen an outbreak like this one before. Normally, there is maybe one or two in the area and thats it. There are at least 8 differetn warnings out right now. It’s crazy!
UPDATE 4: Here is some live covereage: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/dallas/tornadoes-cause-massive-damage-across-dallas-fort-worth-184640541.html The video and sound is kind of choppy.
UPDATE 5: Tornado on the ground in Segovile/Forney/Sunnvale/Mesquite area along I-20. Holly crap…these storms are getting closer. My mom, who lives in Forney, is currently in her hallway. I’m in Terrell, and it’s just now starting to storm.
UPDATE 6: It was right behind my parent’s house. It was a small but violent tornado and it almsot took out one of the High Schools. It’s rain wraped now and heating towards Heath & Rockwall.
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