I had my follow up at the doctor. I’m going to have to go and get the MRI because she’s not sure what’s going on with my hand. After it’s done and she get’s the results, I’ll either have to go to a specialist or possibly have some rehab. Thankfully, they have a rehab guy there at the office so I won’t have to go somewhere else if I have to have it.
After we left the office, we headed back to town and stopped into WalMart to get some groceries. I started getting nauseous and ended up going to sleep once we got home. I didn’t wake up until almost 5, when Jason came in and said that his parents were stooping by. They were here for a little bit, and after they left I started working on trying to get caught up on some product reviews.
Product reviewing was interrupted by the wind picking up. Jason and I ran around the front yard like mad, trying to get the Halloween decorations picked up. The wind started blowing out of no where and some of my tombstones decided to try to escape.
I’m still surprised at how quick the weather in Texas changes, even after living here so long. It was in the upper 70s, but in the space of 30 minutes the temp has fallen almost into the 50s and it’s going to be in the low 30s tonight with storms. Tomorrow, upper 50s and sunny and back to the 70s on Friday. Crazy.
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