Who is cuter . . . puppies or babies? It’s an age old question that no one has ever been able to answer, until now. The Puppies vs. Babies online contest will answer that question once and for all, and you can be a part of it. Visit the contest website and get your vote in by November 23. The winner baby or puppy will receive a $5,000 prize.
But . . . who will you vote for? The cuddly puppy? Or the adorable baby? My pick is the adorable baby, since I know that my daughter Hannah is way cuter that any puppy. She is so cute that all the doctors and nurses in the delivery room were going gaga over her. In fact, she’s gotten even cuter as she’s gotten older . . . especially now that she’s learning words and talking.
Puppies grow out of their cuteness pretty quick. Then all your left with is a full grown dog, who may or may not be obedient. Plus, puppies pee and poop all over the place. You can’t put a diaper on a dog. It just won’t work.
So, what’s your pick? Leave me a comment because I want to know. And make sure to vote in the Puppies vs. Babies contest.
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