I’ve done several Rafflecopter giveaways now, and I’ve started to notice something with my two current giveaways. I have people circumventing the mandatory entry, which, in both cases, is to leave a comment on the giveaway post. I don’t see where anyone should have a problem with that. Its’ easy to do and usually takes less than a minute. Up until last months giveaway, this hasn’t been an issue.
I’m not entirely sure what to do at this point. I don’t think that it’s fair to readers who really do the mandatory entry to allow others to cheat. Do I let it slide, remove entries, or just pick a different winner (if the one picked has circumvented)?
UPDATE 11/11 – Thanks for all the advice so far. I went back and noted that anyone who cheats will void all their entries in big, bold font. A hour later, someone did it again. So…ehh….
I’d say if they can’t take the time to do each step, then they really shouldn’t win the prize. I’d choose a entry that did all the asked steps.
this has happened to me too, and I delete their other entries the day the contest ends and then pick a winner.
I don’t think it is fair to the ones that complete all the steps.
i agree with raebeth! i’m stopping by from the lovely poppy and would love for you to stop by and checkout the huge giveaway going on that ends this thursday, http://thelovelypoppy.blogspot.com/2011/10/blog-follower-giveaway.html xoxo nicole
I choose a random winner, make sure they followed directions, then notify them they won. If they slacked off their mandatory entry, I choose another winner. Thank you for joining Planet Weidknecht’s Weekend Hop. I am following you and hope to see you again soon.