It’s been one of those days. This morning, I had my follow-up appointment at the doctor. My had is still hurting and it’s spreading up the arm and into my neck & shoulders. We got up early and I had Hannah ready to go. It was cold, so I put her light jacket on her…not thinking about getting overheated in the 4Runner. We got about halfway there when she started throwing up all over the backseat. We pulled over and I called the office, telling them I was going to be running a bit late. We turned around and headed back to the house. She kept throwing up all the way. Once home, we got her inside and Jason got her into the bath while I headed back up to the doctor.
The visit was quick and I was in and out in about an hour. I got a muscle relaxer and a anti-inflammatory to take for two weeks. If it’s no better, I’m going to have to go for an MRI. Hannah was fine when I got home, but so realized that she didn’t have her “babies”. Her babies are her little Tigger and Pooh Bear, which she threw up all over in the car. Jason had left them in the bathroom sink until he could get them in the washing machine. Hannah noticed them in there and started throwing a hug fit when she couldn’t have them. We told her they were dirty and icky, but she didn’t listen.
She cried for a long time, and wouldn’t stop no matter what I did. Even rocking her didn’t work. She started yelling “no nap!”. Eventually, it got to the point to where she was almost starting to hyperventilate. She was in her crib hitting the wall and the railing. I finally lost my patience with her and said “That’s is enough!”. She immediately stopped, knowing that she was in trouble.
I picked up back up out of her crib and sat down in the rocking chair with her. I told here was there was a silly-funny and a silly-unacceptable, and that her carrying on was unacceptable behavior. She need to take a nap and she would have her babies back before she woke up. After that, she dozed off. I sat with her for a few more minutes, then tucked her in. About 10 minutes later, the babies were dry and I sat them in with her.
After eating a quick lunch, I went in and took a nap…which I only just woke up from.
Oh goodness what a day. I hope you have had better days since and I hope yall are able to enjoy the weekend. Stopping by from the weekend alexa hop.