The Prefense Giveaway has ended, and I will be picking the winner later today. This is the first time I’m using the Rafflecopter picker thing…so hopefully I won’t have any problems. There is a week to go on the custom flyer giveaway. I has only one entry, so your chances of winning are very high.
I ended up having to call Animal Control on the dogs due to the fact that they started destroying everything on the porch once it got dark. Unfortunately, it was late at night so no one came out. The momma dog abandoned the puppies on the porch early yesterday morning and they hung around for part of the day. I tried again to get Animal Control out, but to no avail. The puppies wondered off late in the afternoon and haven’t been back since. So I’ll have to see if they come back.
And to top everything off…one of the transformers blew and we didn’t have power for about an hour and a half this morning. Thankfully it was cool out so it wasn’t too bad.
Hey! Thanks for joining the Planet Weidknecht Weekend Hop!
How strange that animal control wouldn’t come out. What was their reason for not coming?
I am a new follower from the Alexa blog hop!
@Leila It was a Sunday and that’s their day off. Plus, when I first called it was after hours on Saturday.