We’ve had a very busy few days, and now I’m completly behind on everything again. Jason took me out Saturday afternoon for lunch to my favorite sushi restaurant, while Hannah spent the day at with my mom. We were going to try to go the the Plano World Market, but 635 was so backed up we didn’t even bother. We ended up going to Half-Price books, then wondered around Babies-R-Us for a little bit. Then we swung through the Seagoville WalMart because Jason had to do something in the computer.
I then spend Sunday and yesterday trying to get caught up on laundry. I went grocery shopping yesterday, which took forever. I spent 30 minutes at the customer service counter to return two shirts for my mom. Shopping took about 20 minutes. Then I spent another 30 minutes waiting in line to checkout. The cashier was moving at a snails pace and had a comment about every single item she scanned. When I get groceries, I make sure to plan out for at least a week and a half….so you can imagine how long that took.
Today…well…there is going to be a barrage of posts. I have two product review/giveaways to post, a few separate coupon posts, and other stuff. Hopefully I will be able to get it all done. Then I have to get to work on the ‘Dead Man Hand’ book cover commission. I know that Trana isn’t quite ready for it yet, but I want to try to get it done now while I still have some free time.
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