After a day and a half of deliberation, the jury in the Casey Anthony trial has reached their verdict. I’ve followed the case since the very beginning when Caylee was first reported missing. I have always felt that she was guilty. It may not have necessarily have been premeditated murder, but she did something that directly caused Caylee’s death and then tried to hid it. The prosecution’s case solidified that feeling, especially since most of the defenses’ witnesses all ended up agreeing with the State. I figured she would have gotten the aggravated child abuse and aggravated manslaughter charges. But to walk away completly… It’s times like this that I almost loose faith in our justice system.
I don’t even want to get into my thoughts on the trial since I would be here all day typing. Even though she was found guilty of lying, she will probably never serve since she has already been in jail for over three years. She’ll be free to go home and live her ‘beautiful life’. It makes me sick. The only up point to the whole thing is that her father may end up strangling her in her sleep, if the look on his face was anything to go by.
If I could ask the jury one question, though, it would be this: Since you think Casey didn’t kill her daughter, then who did?
I’m kind of curious to here other’s reactions to the outcome of the case. What are your thoughts?
I didn’t think the would get tghe 1st degree charge but I am sad and upset that she gets to walk free when her little girl will never get to walk free and grow up. She should have gotten convicted on the other charges though!