Another large wave of storms are on their way, and the Weather Service predicts another day of massive tornado outbreaks. Almost all of North Central Texas will be included…which means my neck of the woods. We have have been extremely lucky so far this season, being that we have had a few narrow misses. Hopefully there won’t be any tornadoes, but it never hurts to be prepared.
I advise anyone who lives in my area to make sure that you have weather radios handy, because most of the time they are the only warning you get. Also make sure you have a clear spot to hunker down in, preferably a closet, hallway, or bathtub that is away from windows and outside walls. Use whatever you can find to cover yourself. Blanks and pillows are good, but a mattress is best.
If you are driving or caught outside, do not seek shelter under an overpass. The winds will get funneled through, making them even stronger. Trust me, I know from experience. There is nothing more frightening then having you car slide sideways and nearly hitting other parked vehicles. Your safest bet is to lay down in a ditch.
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