Today, I’m taking part of the Momory Mondays Blog Hop. This week it’s hosted by Modern Mom Redifined and Karen’s Healthy Lifestlye. Basicly, you write a blog post about a special memory. Well, here goes:
This past Christmas was Hannah’s first. We had our first round of presents on Christmas Eve with my in-laws. The second round was super early Christmas morning since Jason actully had to be in at work by 8 a.m. Stupid Wal-Mart. Our third and final round, which was when this picture was taken, was with my parents.
Hannah had been eager to open presents until she discovered the teething biscuts. After that, she wasn’t interested in anything else. I attemped to make a trade with her, and this was the look it got in return. We got the biscut aways from her, but once she started crying we gave it back.
If your interested in joining the hop, visit the hop page.
Karen Greenberg says
Stopping by and following from Memory Monday.
What a cutie! It’s funny how easy they are to please at that age- choosing the teething biscuit over the gifts. I wish Christmas were that easy now with my 8 and 10-year-old daughters! LOL
That stinks that Jason has to be to work at 8 AM on Christmas Day. I didn’t think Wal-Mart was open then. I’m sorry for that! I hope this Christmas you all get to be together with no one working.
Have a great week!