Hooray! I’m finally able to get a Star Wars reference on here. At least this one is better than the Family Guy ones I’ve been using lately. Anyway, so much for the Doomsday/Rapture prophecy…but we all knew that it was total crap anyway. Here’s some news footage on the not-Apocoplyse:
The guy, preacher Harold Camping, has done this before back in 1994. What’s really interesting is the money trail. This guy has litterealy made millions off of gulable people. Accoring to one report, his radio ministry has raised well over $100 million in the past seven years. Plus, the donations have been flying in since his Doomsday announcement. So, in other words, he’s a 89 year old can-artist. Lovely. Just lovely. Why hasn’t anyone locked this guy up yet?
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