Hannah has been having a blast chasing bubbles around lately, so I though I would get one of those cheap battery powered bubble blowers. I figured she would have fun pressing the button, and I wouldn’t be getting too out of breath from blowing on a plastic wand. I found a neat looking one for $3 at WalMart (a.k.a. hell), and she was all excited.
Once I got it out of the package, I showed it to her while putting the battery in. I then pressed the button so she could see the little foam fan spin. She started giggling and immediately ran over and got her other bottle of
bubbles off the table. Once I got that away from her, I filled up the little dipping tray that can with the blower up and sat down of the floor. Hannah walked over with a big grin on her face and started doing her little happy dance, so I pressed the button on the blower.
The bubbles had just started coming out when she let out a scream and took off running across the living room crying. I sat there dumbfounded as she crawled under the table bawling her eyes out. She refused to come out until after I sat down the blower. Once it was on the floor a good two feet away from me, she scurried over and climbed up on my lap. It took several minutes to get her calmed down, yet now she cries every time she looks at it.
I don’t why she’s so frightened of it. It doesn’t make much noise or anything. She has one for the bathtub and it doesn’t bother her at all. I guess I’ll wait a few days and try it again.
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