Very early this morning we were hit by a massive storm, and possibly a tornado. For the first time ever, my weather radio didn’t go off…and the storm developed so fast that the warning sirens didn’t even go off. The power went out between 1:30 and 2, just as the wind started blowing over 60 mph.
I got up and went into the living room to look out the picture window to see what was going on. Just as I was doing that, it started sounding like a freight train was running over the top of the house. A bunch of branches and other debris started flying at the window and house, so I ran back into the bedroom. Jason got up and we went back out so I could get a few candles lit. The wind and rain died down quickly and I saw that the neighbors were out.
At that point, I had no idea what was going on with the weather since we didn’t have any power. I threw on some more appropriate clothes and headed out to see what the damage was. There were tree limbs and broken glass everywhere. The neighbor right next door, Alex, had his weather radio out and said that there was a tornado warning for our town. Out other neighbor, who is a police officer, said he heard the same thing on the police scanner. We walked up the street and little, but then headed back in when the rain started back up. I ended up being awake the rest of the night.
This morning when I got up, the power was still out and were had a lot of junk laying in the yard. The top of the cottonwood tree was ripped off and almost took out the back fence. The other neighbors took care of that since it landed in their yard. It makes me so glad that the big tree that was over our house is gone. I know it would have ended up in our dinning room if it were still there. I also very nearly had a piece of rain gutter go through my windshield.
We didn’t get power back till a little after ten this morning, and I only just now got the cable/internet back up. So far, I don’t think that there has been any official word as to whether or not it was a tornado. I do know that there was a lot of damage in and around town.
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